Spin nano-systems result in new type of quantum bits

The rapid progress that has been sweeping the field of crystal growth and related device technology is opening doors. Perhaps nowhere is the effect of this evolution being felt more than in the development of ultra-small structures whose material properties can be controlled on the nanoscale. The reason for this development: because solid-state nano-structures possess unique [...]

September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Techy Talky|

Academics turn to ‘crowdfunding’ to get research projects off the ground

    Crowdsourcing is winning supporters as a financial incubator for early-stage research, university fundraising and getting ideas to market. Will Walmsley expected to be backpacking around the world after graduating last September with a master’s degree in applied science from the University of Toronto. Instead, he’s CEO and lead designer of Whirlscape Inc., a company [...]

September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Home Grown|

Malaysian Central Bank Focuses on Adapting FinTech Regulation

Malaysia is one of the most recent countries to look at its current regulatory guidelines and come up with changes to take part of the FinTech revolution. Keeping in mind how Bitcoin is a part of FinTech as well, these changes will have a rippling effect on cryptocurrency adoption. FinTech Regulation is a Double-edged Sword [...]

August 22nd, 2016|Categories: ASEAN News|

Malaysian Remittance Embraces Hybrid ‘Dragonfly Fintech’ Blockchain

Blockchain technology will be making its way to Malaysian wholesale and remittance company Metro Money Exchange shortly. The licensed enterprise signed a deal with Dragonfly Fintech to use the New Economy Movement’s blockchain technology. The name Dragonfly Fintech will ring a bell for some, as the company is using a hybrid form of distributed ledger technology. On [...]

August 22nd, 2016|Categories: ASEAN News|
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