What is The Future of SMS Marketing?

Over the past two decades, SMS marketing has become so ingrained in our lives that we don’t even pause to consider what life was like without it. Despite that, marketers still don’t regard the platform as highly as email or social media marketing. What a mistake. Here is what the future of SMS [...]

July 21st, 2020|Categories: Global News|

Private Fund Data Operations Should Provide More Protection

COVID-19 has hit business leaders. It’s hit them with an endless parade of unexpected challenges. Leaders in private fund data operations are feeling it too. However, these challenges also present opportunities for technological advances. Stretched Operations Shrinking revenue and smaller budgets have reduced the margin for error. Risks are more severe. New risks are joining the [...]

July 20th, 2020|Categories: Global News|

How Big Data Analytics Address COVID-19 Concern in Healthcare Industry?

The Coronavirus Pandemic has spurred interest in big data to track the spread of the fast-moving pathogen and to plan disease prevention efforts. But the urgent need to contain the outbreak shouldn’t cloud thinking about big data’s potential to do more harm than good. Here is how big data analytics address COVID-19 concern [...]

July 17th, 2020|Categories: Global News|

6 Skills You Need to Become a Data Analyst

Data analyst is the process in which the judgment, refining, changing, and modeling data takes place with the aim of making a better conclusion. Data analysis takes part in an important role, it helps in generating scientific conclusions and also increases the regulations in an organization. Here are six skills you need to [...]

July 15th, 2020|Categories: Global News|
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